Thursday, October 28, 2010

Summary of the 10/27/10 Monthly Meeting

So the World Series coming to town didn't cancel tonight's Board meeting, but it sure shortened it! The Board deferred all agendized items that were not time sensitive, conducted a streamlined meeting and finished at 6:50 just as the Giants were finishing off their six-run fifth inning.

While the meeting was short, the Board did discuss a few items of note:

Facilities / Bond Planning - The last time the Board discussed the pursuit of a bond measure to finance new facilities (primarily at Neil Cummins), concern was expressed that the district could not plan toward a November 2011 election date because the Tam High School district is already planning a bond measure for that date. Well, recently, Trustee Mowbray had a discussion with a member of the Tam High District Board, who advised her that our district should proceed with whatever date works for us. Given that input, the Board directed staff to start preliminary work to create a timeline of necessary activities that would lead to a facilities bond on the November 2011 ballot. Stay tuned...

Budget Status  - The budget sure is a fast-moving target. Between the time the packet materials were posted to the website last week and the time of the meeting, Business Manager Becky White generated a new revision to the budget. The latest revision shows a +$93,960 change from the budget adopted in June (The version posted last week showed a -$53,618 change).

Technology Assistants - Dr. Pitts reported that the district is about to complete the hiring of two technology assistants. These staff will be responsible for installing newly purchased computer equipment and working with teachers to incorporate technology into their classrooms.

That's it - short and sweet.

Fear the Beard!


Monday, October 25, 2010

Previewing the Agenda for the 10/27 Monthly Meeting

As I write, the Giants are still alive in the playoffs (Don't Stop Belivin'!). Alas, time must be made in our life for other things, too, so here we go. The Board will be gathering for its regular monthly meeting this coming Wednesday, October 27th, at 6:00 pm in the Hall library. I have reviewed the agenda and the accompanying packet materials, and the following items intrigued me the most.

Superintendent's Evaluation (Closed Session) - The Board was scheduled to provide Dr. Pitts with her annual evaluation during Closed Session of last month's meeting, but that plan was delayed. This month, Dr. Pitts' evaluation is once again on the schedule. This discussion will take place in private, but any of you concerned parents out there who have any input regarding the Superintendent's performance should take this opportunity to email the trustees at

Board Self Evaluation (Agenda Item 11) - According to the Board's bylaws the Board shall annually conduct a self evaluation of how well the Board has been performing its duties. The Board members will discuss how they think they have been performing individually and how well the Board as a whole has performed over the past year. To review the criteria that will guide the evaluation discussion, you can review the detailed packet material on pgs. 40-41 of the document Agenda Items 6-10. Board procedures do not ensure the ability to ask questions or provide comment at the time an individual item is discussed, so if you have input your would like to be sure the Board considers when evaluating its performance, I recommend you send an email in advance to

Budget Update (Agenda Item 8) - The state adopted a budget! I'm not exactly sure that celebration is in order, but having an adopted budget beats the continued uncertainty that's been hanging over public agencies in the state for the last few months while the budget stalemate dragged on. District staff have updated the projected revenues and expenditures for the year based on the school funding components of the adopted budget, and the bottom line for our district is a reduction of only $53,618 from the original budget adopted by the Board last June. For more detail, see pgs. 19-32 of the document Agenda Items 6-10.

Facilities Planning (Agenda Item 10) - The Board will not be acting to approve any specific facilities item at the upcoming meeting, but it will hold a discussion regarding the overall facilities needs outlined in the Facilities Master Plan generated in 2008 and potential strategies for moving forward with projects included in the plan. On the short-term front, the Board will discuss progress on the planning stages of a project to add 4 1/2 portables to the Neil Cummins campus this year. See details at pgs. 34-35 of Agenda Items 6-10.

Technology Plan (Agenda Item 4) - Over the last few months the district has made significant investment in computers and technology infrastructure, funded by $275,000 from the general budget and $154,000 donated by SPARK (thanks to you contributors out there!). The Board will discuss how the new purchases are being implemented in the classroom and how they fit in with the district's overall technology plan. Now's your chance, tech professionals, to weigh in on how our schools are integrating the latest and greatest new tools into our students' educational pursuits! Share your thoughts at the meeting or by sending an email to

Those are my agenda and packet highlights, everybody. Please share comments below if you have them, and check back on Thursday morning for a summary of the meeting.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Previewing the Agenda for the 10/8 Special Meeting

That's right, it's special meeting time...again. At 10 am on Friday, at the District Office, the Board will hold a special meeting to consider exactly one item, which is to approve the solicitation of bids for the installation of a new set of portables at Neil Cummins.

This will come as no surprise to regular readers of these very pages, because the inevitability of more portables at NC was discussed in the summary of last month's regular meeting. At that time the Board directed staff to continue down the road toward new portables being installed this year. The first task was to review exactly how many portables could fit on the site between the playground and the creek, the next was to solicit bids for the actual construction.

I would happily tell you right now exactly how many portables are in the plan that will be put out to bid (it was projected to be 3 to 5) but no supporting staff report has yet been posted to the district website. If you want to know more about the proposed plan before the Board votes to authorize bid solicitation, it seems you will need to bring your own self down to the District Office on Friday morning for the meeting. Otherwise, I presume packet materials reviewed at the meeting will be posted to the district website shortly thereafter, or will be discussed at the next regular meeting.
