No hesitating today; let's jump right into the deep end. After the initial shock, it will feel really good, I promise!
Agenda Item 5 - Bond Funding for Facilities Needs: I hear the ground abuzzin' about the Board starting discussions related to a potential facilities bond measure to go on the ballot in November 2011. The discussion item included on the Agenda for Wednesday's meeting will provide the first substantive, on-the-record, discussion where the Board can weigh the pros and cons of pursuing a facilities bond next November. In the packet materials are multiple supporting items that will be referenced during the discussion. The two most interesting to me were the draft timeline of activities that would be required to support a bond campaign (pgs. 5-7), and the results of a resident survey conducted in 2008 regarding support for a potential bond measure (pgs. 5-8 through 5-22). Click here to access packet materials on the district website.
Wednesday night would be a great time for any and all of you to come to the Board meeting and get involved in the discussion early on. The survey results from 2008 showed relatively broad support for a facilities bond, but significantly weaker support for the two-campus plan for the Neil Cummins site. Therefore, it seems other potential ideas are clearly still up for discussion, including potentially renovating or building new at the San Clemente site. I'm guessing that most of us have an opinion about a preferred option, so come on out and be heard. Or, send an email in advance of the meeting to
Closed Session - Superintendent's Contract: After two aborted attempts, the Board finally addressed the Superintendent's performance evaluation during closed session at a special meeting on Saturday, Oct. 30. Now, on the closed session agenda for 11/17, is listed the item "Superintendent's Contract." From having reviewed Dr. Pitts' contract with my own two eyes, I can inform you that it expires on June 30, 2011. I know some of you out there came to a Board meeting last May to discuss concerns regarding the value and structure of Dr. Pitts' contract. It is unknown how long it will take the Board to deliberate on, then eventually adopt a new contract with Dr. Pitts. So, if you have opinions on this matter, regarding appropriate compensation, duration, etc., now would be the time to start weighing in. FYI, Dr. Pitts' current salary is $198,000+. Her existing three-year contact included a significant (about $25,000) increase in year 1, and 5% annual increases in years 2 and 3. Whether the trustees are considering a similar structure in a new contract, only they know. You can send your input to
Consent Calendar - Recycling/Disposal of Obsolete Equipment: This item requests that the Board approve the "recycling" of obsolete equipment. This seems all well and good on its face. However, the list of items that are to be "recycled" includes 54 imacs and an Apple G3 Tower computer. I think these must be the old, colorful imacs with the funny, bulbous shape. I'm sure these computers aren't worth a lot, but aren't they worth something? Could they not be given away, or sold for a nominal amount to families that might like an extra computer for the kids?
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