Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Previewing the Agenda for the 12/15 Monthly Meeting

We're all busy with the holidays, plus the agenda is not chock full of excitement, so this will be an efficient post. Here goes:

Superintendent's Contract (Closed Session) - As I have reported in recent posts, the Board appears to be in the process of negotiating a new contract with Dr. Pitts. Her current three-year contract expires on June 30, 2011. The status of negotiations is unknown. It could be that the Board will emerge from closed session and start the open agenda by announcing that a new contract has been signed. Time will tell...

Bond Funding for Facilities (Agenda Item #8) - At the Nov. 17 monthly meeting, the Board announced the formation of a subcommittee that will lead the effort to update the 2008 Facilities Master Plan and lead planning efforts for a potential ballot measure in November 2011. Trustees Wade and Ritter were appointed to serve on the subcommittee. The subcommittee is reportedly meeting weekly, and the agenda packet includes a list of tasks that the subcommittee has outlined for completion in the near future. Highlights include conducting a "mini survey" of parents regarding preferred facility expansion option (e.g. two-school campus at NC site, re-build on San Clemente site, etc.) and organizing a "larger committee" to begin meeting in January to discuss facility expansion options. The draft structure for the committee is listed as: District Staff (2), Trustees (2), Union reps (2), SPARK rep (1), Community members at large (2).

Plenty of other items populate the agenda, but unless you feel like reading 100 pages of details regarding potential re-financing of outstanding bond debt, I think you can safely go back to addressing what's left of your Christmas to do lists.

Happy holidays,


p.s. It has finally happened. For the first time since the inception of this blog, I have an unmovable conflict and I will not be attending Wednesday evening's meeting. If anyone out there does attend, and you want to share some notes with the class, feel free to send them to me and I'll be happy to post them.

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