Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Previewing the Agenda for the 2/9 Monthly Meeting

Yes, the February Board meeting is already upon us. I think everyone would agree that Ski Week is not a good time to hold a Board meeting! The agenda is relatively small compared to recent months. I'll highlight just a few items. To view supporting packet materials for all items on the agenda, click here.

Hall Master Schedule and 7-Period Day (Item 3) - The Board had an initial discussion about this item at last month's meeting. Now, the Hall staff are returning and asking the Board to consider funding this proposal for the FY11-12 school year. A simple summary of this proposal is that it will further subdivide the class schedule at Hall and make time in the regular school day for many activities that currently must be pursued before school, during lunch and after school (e.g. band, music, yearbook). The staff believes this will result in a more enriching educational experience for more of the student body. The staff's analysis has projected that an additional 2.6 staff members will be required to implement the 7-period day plan.

2011-2012 Budget Update (Item 5) - Dr. Pitts will provide an update on the status of negotiations on the state budget and the currently projected impact on eduction funding. The staff report regarding budget issues indicates that staff are preparing two parallel draft budgets for the district based on different potential budget scenarios; one in which proposed tax extensions favored by Governor Brown are passed and one in which they do not. This proactive number crunching should allow the district to be as prepared as possible for managing the significant shortfall over current funding levels that would result if the tax extensions are not enacted.

Facilities Planning and Bond Funding (Item 6) - The Facilities Expansion Committee has held two public meetings since the last regular Board meeting. One was held January 20th and another on February 3rd. At this Wednesday's meeting, the trustee members of the committee will report out on the discussions at these recent meetings. The committee's current timeline of activities calls for bringing a final recommendation to the Board in March regarding what type of expansion plan to pursue (e.g. two schools on the NC site vs. re-developing the SC site.)

There you go, folks. See you again soon.


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